Summary of the 2020
We would like to summarize the 2020 year. Although the pandemic has thwarted our plans, we managed to accomplish many things.
At the beginning of the year we established the official cooperation with Scientists from four universities:
- Aichi Medical University in Japan,
- University of Otago in New Zeland,
- Swansea University in United Kingdom,
- University of Lodz in Poland.
We published 2 articles:
- „Morning Headache as an Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Related Symptom among Sleep Clinic Patients – A Cross-Section Analysis”
- „Sleep-related movement disorders”.
Our work „All-cause mortality among patients with obstructive sleep apnea in the region of Łódź, Poland (2005-2019)” was presented during the 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS).
Our Mentor – Wojciech Kuczyński MD, PhD became the first physician in Poland with the title: Somnologist – Expert in Sleep Medicine.
We submitted 3 scientific grants applications, from which we received one and another is during the review process.
We have done a significant progress in our research „Physiology of sleep, miRNA, circadian proteins and the assessment of anthropometric, hormonal factors, quality of life and sex among young adults”. This year we have started the first and the second stage of the study. We received a total of nearly 500 questionnaires and performed almost 100 anthropometric measurements. We are preparing for the third stage of the study, which is going to start in January.
We also finished the database of patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
We would like to thank everyone who took part in our research! We wish you every success in 2021!