Report from the last phase of our international, multicentre project – BOAT study
In February 2021 we have started the third phase of our study “Physiology of sleep, miRNA, circadian proteins and the assessment of anthropometric, hormonal factors, quality of life and sex among young adults” in Poland. Five institutions (Medical University of Lodz, Poland; University of Lodz, Poland; University of Otago, New Zealand; Aichi Medical University, Japan; Swansea University, United Kingdom) are participating in this research. The study protocol will be published soon.
The last phase involves one week actigraphy recording, polysomnography and blood laboratory tests, which include the evaluation of sex hormones and circadian clock proteins levels.
The first phase (questionnaires) and the second phase of our project (anthropometric measurements, body composition analysis) are still ongoing. In Poland, almost 750 participants have been already recruited for the phase I. Among these, almost 200 completed anthropometric measurements and body impedance analysis. For the final stage of the project we are going to qualify 100 participants from each site. Recruitment from other sites will follow.
The impact of the study may help to better understand the role of plausible prenatal androgen exposure on sleep physiology, mental health and sexual quality of life in young adults. More informations about our project can be found here or by e-mail: We also encourage you to follow our project on ResearchGate.
Below we present some pictures from the third phase of our project: