We have been awarded in the programme of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education!
We are pleased to announce that our supervisor Wojciech Kuczyński MD PhD, and Chair Aleksandra Kudrycka have been awarded in the programme of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (“Student’s Scientific Clubs develop innovations” – “Studenckie Koła Naukowe tworzą innowacje”).
The awarded project “Ventilation among patients with COVID-19 in 6-month follow-up: spirometry, TLco, body plethysmography, polysomnography” received a financing of 69 800 Polish zloty (PLN).
The primary objective of this study is to develop the outpatient care standards for patients with a medical history of COVID-19. We aim to evaluate ventilation parameters, subjective and objective sleep quality, and assess the inflammatory markers.
Patients will undergo physical examinations, pulmonary function measurements and polysomnography as well as receive blood tests during 3-month follow-up: in 48 hours since recovery, 3 and 6 months after recovery. Ventilation parameters will be assessed by pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry, lung diffusion capacity (TLco), body plethysmography and a 6-minute walking test. Objective sleep measurement will be captured by a polysomnography system.
Detailed information and project journal will be soon available in the Projects tab.